The water cycle is a process in which water gets cleaned and ready for drinking, and other uses. Today, you will be reading about this cycle and learning about condensation, evaporation, precipitation, and runoff/groundwater, and what they mean and do in this cycle.
Evaporation is one of the steps in the water cycle, as is condensation, which follows right after evaporation! When heated up by the sun, the water in the seas, rivers, lakes etc. will start steaming. As you should know, steam heads up, therefore, when it ends up in the sky, that is the evaporation part in this cycle completed (but remember, it does
not just happen to water once. It has been happening to the water on Earth since the big bang). The tiny water droplets in the steam then start clinging to each other, and tiny specks of dust. This is called condensation, and that therefore makes clouds. Once these drops get big and heavy enough, they start falling due to gravity, This is called precipitation.
Precipitation is where the water droplets get to a stage where they get too heavy for gravity to ignore and it starts to rain, sleet, snows, etc. and annoys sports players who were meant to be having a match that day. Speaking of snow, actually, the snow on mountains, what happens to it when it malts? Where does it all go? Lets find out!
Runoff and groundwater are linked. One cannot happen without the other. When the snow melts on mountains and sometimes even hills, the aqua has to go somewhere, so it create or go into the pre-existing waterfalls, and then goes through a process in which the earth cleanses the water with stones, ready to drink. Or, it seeps underground and gets cleaned down underground, that is mainly what we use for drinking. Both of these can happen to the same piece of water. This entire cycle goes on and on, all the time! Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff/groundwater! And
that is the water cycle