WALT: Apply Striking and Fielding activities in a range of sports and activities. We played "Rounders".
My Strengths
The striking strategies I was able to effectively demonstrate during the games we played were probably keeping my eye on the ball because even though half the time I didn't hit the ball on the first go (Curse you left handisism!) I still knew when the ball was being thrown to me by watching it and keeping my eye on nothing but the ball.
The throwing and catching strategies I was able to effectively demonstrate during the games we played were again, watching the ball, because the ball came right towards me once, but I didn't cup my hands (or move my feet), so I think that will be what I have to improve on.
My Next Steps
To improve my striking of a ball I need to practice striking in general because I am quite uncoordinated and to make matters worse, I am left handed, so I think that I will have to dig up my old tennis racket and practice on a wall at my house!!! Hopefully no windows will be smashed in that process.
To Improve my catching and fielding I need to try and remember to cup my hands because I would have caught it in Rounders if I had cupped my hands.
The game that I enjoyed the most was Rounders because it is fun being on both sides of the game, fielding and striking.
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